(영문) 인천지방법원 2012.08.10 2012나7021



1. Of the judgment of the court of first instance, KRW 5,200, respectively, to the Plaintiff as to the Defendants and the Defendants’ respective amount from July 2, 201 to August 10, 2012.


1. Basic facts

A. On August 26, 2010, the Defendants: “A copy of the passbook, cash card, and password may be granted credit loans, if sent,” respectively, by telephone, and on the same day, opened an agricultural bank account for the purpose of obtaining credit loans by deceiving Kwikset Service, and sent a copy of the said deposit passbook, cash card, and password to the designated address by the above bearer.

B. On August 27, 2010, the Plaintiff: (a) from a nameless person who misrepresented the police officer on the part of August 27, 2010, “the Plaintiff obtained approval on the electronic equipment that was leaked by the Plaintiff and was not purchased by the Plaintiff with the Plaintiff’s credit card; (b) the Plaintiff shall transfer money in the name of the Plaintiff to all designated accounts; and (c) accordingly, transferred 5.8 million won to each of the above bank accounts in the name of the Defendants designated by the said person who received the above nameless payment (hereinafter “the instant Bosing Crimes”); and (d) immediately after the withdrawal of KRW 5,794,800 from each of the above accounts and then withdrawal of KRW 5,200 from each of the above accounts as of the closing date of the instant argument, each of the above accounts remains.

【Ground of recognition】 The fact that there is no dispute, Gap 1, 2, Eul 1, Eul 1, Eul 1, Eul 1, the purport of the whole pleadings, and the purport of the whole pleadings

2. The Plaintiff asserted that the Plaintiff transferred 5.8 million won to the agricultural bank account under the name of the Defendants, which belongs to the Defendant’s crime of Bosing the instant Bosing of the Defendants. As to the deposit claims corresponding to the balance remaining in the above two accounts, the Defendants were obligated to return to the Plaintiff the amount equivalent to the remaining balance, as the Defendants unjust enrichment was made without any legal cause. ② As to the amount between the amount and the amount withdrawn from each of the above accounts, the Defendants assisted the Defendants to facilitate the instant Bosing by issuing the copy of the passbook under the name of the Defendants, cash card, and password to the account holder.
