(영문) 부산지방법원 2018.08.17 2018구합389



1. The Defendant’s disposition of suspending operation to the Plaintiff on February 8, 2018 is revoked for one month.

2. The costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the defendant.


Details of the disposition

On December 23, 2004, the Plaintiff became the representative of the “C Child Care Center” located in Nam-gu Busan Metropolitan Government B (hereinafter “instant Child Care Center”). On April 12, 2005, the Plaintiff was appointed as the head of the instant Child Care Center and operated the instant Child Care Center as the representative and the president from that time to that time.

On May 9, 2017, which was designated as a temporary holiday, the child care center of this case was to conduct emergency infant care in order to resolve the inconvenience of parents and children who need the use of the child care center. On the day, five of the child care teachers belonging to the child care center of this case were to attend school and take care of 14 young children who were enrolled in the child care center of this case and 5 infants.

2016. 5. 1.부터 이 사건 어린이집의 보육교사로 근무하던 D은 2017. 5. 9. 출근하여 동료 보육교사 E과 함께 영아 5명을 돌보게 되었는데, 당일 점심시간인 12:15 무렵 F(2세, 남, 이하 ‘피해 아동’이라고만 한다)가 밥을 빨리 먹지 않고 장난을 친다는 이유로 숟가락으로 억지로 밥을 떠먹이거나 식판에 있던 음식을 입에 부어 넣고 큰소리로 윽박지르면서 우측 손으로 피해 아동의 우측 머리 부위에 속칭 ‘딱밤’을 때렸다.

In addition, even though the victimized child was living a normal meal, he was frightening over the floor by stronging the sphere of the victimized child's sphere, and was tightly shaking about 2 meters after cutting his arms and cutting down the sphere.

그리고 다시 피해 아동에게 밥을 억지로 먹이다가 피해 아동의 양어깨 부위를 잡아들고 방구석으로 끌고 가 바닥에 눕힌 후 피해 아동의 상체 위에 올라 탄 후 양다리로 몸을 감싸 움직이지 못하도록 한 상태에서 큰소리로 윽박질렀다 이하 ‘이 사건 가혹행위’라고만...