(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2019.01.30 2018고단3352




A Imprisonment with prison labor of 10 months and fines of 300,000 won, Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor of 6 months and 6 months, respectively.


A above.


Punishment of the crime

"2018 Highest 352"

1. The Defendants’ co-principal

A. From September 13, 2018, the Defendants committed the crime of special larceny (1) on September 13, 2018, around 04:40 on the front day of light, the Defendant discovered the E-to-bea in which the victim D was parked with the key at the scene, and the Defendant B reported the network in the surrounding area, and the Defendant A driven the vehicle on the back page of the Defendant B after boarding the driver’s seat and driving the vehicle on the back page.

As a result, the Defendants committed a theft of approximately KRW 2150,000 of the market price.

(2) On September 17, 2018, the Defendants committed the crime of September 17, 2018, around 09:10, and around 09:10, “G” in the 5th floor, the Defendant found the walletss in the toilet of the victim H, and on the seat of 69.69. The network was reported by the Defendant B. Defendant A, on the basis of cash 6,00 won, identification cards, 2, and 7,000 U.S., the market price of which is equivalent to KRW 30,00,000,000.

Accordingly, the Defendants jointly stolen the above wallets, etc.

(3) The Defendants committed the crime of September 17, 2018, around 09:50 on September 17, 2018, at the home of the Victim K, the mother of the Defendant 2 of the I apartment Jho-ho, the victim K, who was hiding in the victim’s outer crehion, got off one of the LOM association bankbooks owned by the LA and used temporarily by the victim K, and stolen them.

Accordingly, the Defendants jointly stolen one head of the Tong.

(4) On September 17, 2018, the Defendants committed the crime of September 17, 2018, around 10:50 on September 17, 2018, withdrawn KRW 2.140,00 in cash by inserting the stolen L’s name M&C passbook in front of the victim M&C cash payment period located N in optical-si.

Accordingly, the Defendants jointly stolen 2.14 million won in cash.

(5) On September 27, 2018, the Defendants committed the crime of September 27, 2018, from the first floor “P” bank of the first floor of the building located in Made-siO around September 27, 2018, and the victim Q is the only difference.