(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2018.05.09 2018고단286



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

[2018 Highest 286]

1. From August 2017, the Defendant has operated a business with the trade name “C” in Guro-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government from around August 2017.

On September 13, 2017, the Defendant employed female employees D at the above businesses around 19:00, and received 120,000 won as the price for sexual traffic from E, a male guest, who was found in the above businesses, and caused the above D to engage in sexual traffic. On December 15, 2007, the Defendant employed female employees F, and received 120,000 won as the price for sexual traffic from G, a male guest who was found in the above businesses, and caused F to engage in sexual traffic, thereby engaging in the business of arranging sexual traffic.

[2018 Highest 377]

2. 누구든지 성매매 또는 성매매 알선 등 행위가 행하여 지는 업소에 대한 광고를 하여서는 아니 됨에도 불구하고, 피고인은 2017. 9. 초경 인터넷 성매매업소 소개 사이트인 ‘H ’에 피고인이 운영하는 ‘C’ 라는 상호의 성매매업소 광고를 게시하면서 ‘I’ 라는 상호로 “A 코스 (30 분) 5만 원, B 코스( 스포츠) 7만 원, C 코스 (60 분, 아로마) 8만 원, D 코스( 투 샷, 60분, 아로마) 10만 원, E 코스 (90 분, 아로마) 10만 원, F 코스( 투 샷, 90분, 아로마) 12만 원” 라는 내용으로 광고하고 ‘100% 리얼 실사( 실제사진)’ 을 소개하면서 여성들의 나체 사진, 속옷 사진 등을 게시하여 성매매 또는 성매매 알선 등 행위가 행하여 지는 업소에 대한 광고를 하였다.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. A protocol concerning the examination of each police officer in relation to D, E, G, or F;

1. Sovereign photographs;

1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes to a report on internal investigation (the process of obtaining intelligence and site conditions), investigation reports (the Internet site H-related investigation);

1. Article 19(2)1 of the Act on the Punishment, etc. of Acts, Including the relevant laws on criminal facts and the intermediation of selective sexual traffic (the act of arranging sexual traffic for business purposes, the act of arranging sexual traffic, the choice of imprisonment), and Article 20(1) of the Act on the Punishment, etc. of Acts, such as arranging sexual traffic.