(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2017.05.12 2016고단6236




A Imprisonment with prison labor for one year, and for six months, for each of the defendants B.

However, from the date this judgment became final and conclusive, Defendant.


Criminal facts

[2016 Highest 6236] In order for a person who has retired from a workplace with employment insurance to receive unemployment benefits from the Ministry of Labor, the number of working days for 18 months prior to the date of retirement shall be at least 180 days, and the number of working days for 1 month prior to the date of application for recognition of eligibility as a beneficiary shall be less than 10 days, and no person shall receive unemployment benefits by fraudulent or other illegal means.

1. Defendants B were the co-offenders of Defendant A, and Defendant A was the director of the F Co., Ltd. F in Songpa-gu Seoul, with the aim of paying wages to foreign workers, reported falsely as if Defendant B had worked at the construction site instead of foreign workers. Defendant B conspired to unlawfully receive unemployment benefits from the Republic of Korea by filing an application for recognition of unemployment benefits based on such false labor details.

According to the above public offering, Defendant B filed an application for recognition of eligibility for unemployment benefits on the basis of the above false work details from October 29, 2007 to November 201, 2014 with Defendant B’s work at the construction site of G new construction site, and Defendant B denied Defendant B’s payment of benefits from March 26, 2009 to March 25, 201, at the former Employment Center located in Guro-gu Seoul digital area around 34-gil 27, and at the former Employment Center located in 44 as of April 14, 201, at the Namyang Employment Center located in Chungcheongnam-si Special Metropolitan City around April 14, 201; around January 29, 2015 to March 25, 2015; and then, Defendant B denied payment of benefits from each of the employment centers to March 26, 2015, as well as from March 25, 2016.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to commit a crime from 1 to 8 times a net list of crimes.