(영문) 수원지방법원 여주지원 2016.04.05 2016고단119




A Imprisonment for eight months, Defendant C shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for six months, and Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of five million won.


Punishment of the crime


A Co., Ltd. is a corporation established for the purpose of the steel reinforced concrete construction business, etc., Defendant A is the representative director of Defendant B, and Defendant C is a person who has been engaged in the operation of cutting machines in Defendant B with the pro-friendly type of Defendant A.

1. Defendant A and Defendant C’s joint crime committed by Defendant A received a contract from D for the installation of drainage pipes and the installation of aggregate extraction works from E at the time of innju, and had the victim F (52 years old) perform the installation of drainage pipes and the installation of aggregate extraction works from December 9, 2015.


A is a person in charge of the safety and health management of workers in the above work site, and Defendant C was a person in charge of the operation of a locker directly at the above work site and supervising the on-site work. Therefore, in the course of the above work, the Defendants have a duty of care to check in advance necessary matters, such as placement and education of workers, work methods, protective devices, etc., and to take measures necessary for the prevention of danger, and to provide employees with protective equipment, such as safety caps, etc., in preparation for the danger that the body may fall or fall off. < Amended by Act No. 1060, Mar. 1, 2007>

Nevertheless, Defendant C, at the above work site, replaced a boomet connected to a boomer boomer, carried out work by using the above boomer. At each time the booms are replaced, Defendant C is engaged in work by cutting safety pins for a long time on the ground that safety pins are prone and booms and replacing the booms.