(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.06.26 2013가단143878

소유권보존등기말소 등


1. Each of the plaintiffs' shares in 1/3;

A. The defendant Republic of Korea is listed in the annexed real estate list No. 1.


1. Basic facts

A. On June 15, 1956, the land division relation of each of the instant lands (1) was divided into 78 square meters (i.e., the land in this case was converted to the name of the administrative district, and the unit conversion of the area), G, 387 square meters, other H, I, J, and K land.

(2) The 387 square meters prior to G was divided into 1,279 square meters prior to L. 1,089 square meters prior to L. 15 December 2006 and 190 square meters prior to M.

(3) On September 3, 2010, the land category of which was changed on September 3, 201 to a road and became three land in this case.

B. The registration relationship of each land of this case (1) The father N (N, GyeonggiwonO) of the plaintiffs is about 4 years (1929).

6. 29. The registration of ownership transfer of the land prior to the instant partition is completed due to sale.

(2) The Defendant Republic of Korea purchased the land before the instant subdivision in accordance with the former Farmland Reform Act (amended and enforced by Act No. 31 of June 21, 194, which was repealed by Act No. 4817, Dec. 22, 1994).

(3) As to the land of this case, Defendant Republic of Korea completed the registration of transfer of ownership as the receipt No. 23781 of December 16, 1968 due to the purchase by Suwon District Court on June 21, 1949, and the Defendant Korea Land and Housing Corporation completed the registration of transfer of ownership as the receipt No. 43908 of March 30, 2012 on the ground of the acquisition of public land by consultation on February 21, 2012.

(4) Defendant Republic of Korea completed the registration of ownership transfer as the receipt of No. 23784 on December 16, 1968, for the purchase on June 21, 1949 with respect to the total 387 square meters (the instant 2/3 land) before Gyeonggi-gun G (the instant 2/3 land).

(5) On April 14, 2004, Defendant Republic of Korea sold to Defendant D the same amount of KRW 113,831,000 square meters per 1,279 square meters per 13,831,00.

(6) As to the land of this case that was divided from the above G land, Defendant D shall make a registration office of Suwon District Court on April 14, 2004 on the ground of sale and purchase as of April 25, 2007.