(영문) 창원지방법원 진주지원 2015.08.25 2014고단863



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, along with B (the Defendant was detained on April 1, 2010 and sentenced to imprisonment on July 2, 2010), became aware of the fact that the victim C lacks the ability to distinguish from the public, with the opportunity to discover the fact that the victim C was not able to distinguish from the public, and used the victim’s credit card to obtain a loan under his name or to use the victim’s credit card.

1. On July 10, 200 with B, the Defendant met the victim at a coffee shop where it is impossible to know the trade name located in E Park, Jinju-si, Jinju-si, the Defendant: “The Defendant would receive monthly pay from the company that would have received money, but will receive the payment without molding it,” and B received the victim’s certificate of employment, certificate of personal seal impression, resident registration certificate, copy of resident registration certificate, seal, and passbook in the name of the victim from the victim and received 5 million won from the Seoul Mutual Savings Bank around the 10th day of the same month, and received 3 million won from the Busan High Bank and 3,000,000 won from the Busan Highcom Co., Ltd., Ltd., and 3,000,000 won from the Busan Highcom to 3,000,000 won from the Busan High Women’s Republic on November of the same month, respectively.

However, even if the defendant and F have obtained a loan under the above name of the victim, the defendant and F did not have the intent or ability to repay the loan.

The Defendant, in collusion with B, received a total of KRW 15,00,000 in the name of the victim by deceiving the victim as above.

2. On July 2007, the Defendant, along with B, received one copy of the LG card in the name of the victim from the victim, stating that “A wife was hospitalized in the hospital and there is no medical treatment expenses,” while the Defendant was issued one copy of the LG card in the name of the victim, stating that “A wife would be hospitalized in the hospital. If a credit card is lent, the Defendant will use it once, and pay back the monthly salary of KRW 2,500,000 from the company.”

The Defendant and B, using the above credit card, are as shown in the annexed list of crimes between the 16th to 19th day of the same month.