(영문) 특허법원 2016.01.29 2015허3665



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. The title of the instant registered device (No. 2) 1: B (2) filing date/registration date/registration number: C/D/E3: the owner of a utility model right: Plaintiff 4) claims 【The number within the support panel (12) overall title extended to the direction of the claim 1 / the main drawings indicated in the instant registered device.

In the case of the instant registered complaint and the comparable complaint, both are indicated in the same manner.

I.The above-mentioned 13) and the front part of the Support Panel (12) as extended at 12 above to 13) and 12 (12) and the front part of the Support Panel (12) including 15) and 2nd work (14) as well as 12nd work (12) above to 2nd work (10th work) and 2nd work (12th work) above to 2nd work (12th work). The above-mentioned 12nd work (10th work) and 2nd work (15,16th work) shall be furnished to 2nd work (12th work) above to 2nd work (12th work) and 2nd work (12th work) to 2nd work (12th work) to 2nd work (14th work) above to 2nd work (12th work) and to 212th work (21th work) to 22nd work (12th work) above to 222nd work (222nd work) and 4th work (2222nd work) above) above.