The plaintiff's appeal is dismissed.
Expenses for appeal shall be borne by the plaintiff.
Purport of appeal
1. The defendant alleged the purport of the claim.
1. Basic facts
A. On March 1, 2006, the Plaintiff was newly appointed as the Gwangju Middle School Teachers, and thereafter was transferred from March 1, 2017 to Cmiddle Schools and served as a moral teacher.
B. On December 3, 2018, the General Disciplinary Committee on Public Educational Officials in Gwangju Metropolitan City, upon the Defendant’s request for a disciplinary resolution, decided on the Plaintiff on December 3, 2018, to suspend the Plaintiff from office for three months for the following reasons (hereinafter “instant disposition”), and the Plaintiff’s act (hereinafter “instant misconduct”).
The defendant filed a request for reexamination with the Special Disciplinary Committee of Public Educational Officials on the ground that disciplinary action is minor.
On January 17, 2019, the Committee decided to dismiss the plaintiff.
On July 2017, the Plaintiff committed an indecent act on 12 occasions in total, as shown in attached Table 1, on September 2017, 2017, on the part of the victim D (one person, two years of age, 13 years of age) who was seated in the first-class class of C secondary school and reported the film during the movie viewing, including twice the victim’s buck part of the buck area, from that time on which he/she took two competent charge of the victim’s bucks.
(이하 ‘제1 징계사유’라 한다). 원고는 2017. 4. 13. 08:50경 위 학교 1학년 반 교실에서 조회 중 피해자 E(가명, 13 세)이 "쌤 쉬어요"라고 말하면서 일어났다는 이유로 화가 나 나무막대기(길이 약 30cm ) 로 피해자의 왼팔을 강하게 1회 때려 피해자에게 약 2주간의 치료가 필요한 타박상을 가함과 동시에 아동인 피해자의 신체에 손상을 주는 학대행위를 하였고, 원고는 2017. 4. 13. 08:50경 위 학교 1학년 반 교실에서 조회 중 피해자 F(13세)이 조 회가 아직 끝나지 않았음에도 교실 밖으로 나가려고 했다는 이유로 나무막대기(길이 약 30cm )로 피해자의 엉덩이를 수회 때리고, 피해자가 이를 막으려고 손을 대자 위 나무막 대기로 피해자의 손가락을 때려 아동인 피해자의 신체에 손상을 주는 학대행위를 하였 으며, 원고는 2017. 7. 24. 오전 위 학교 1학년 반 교실에서...