(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.02.16 2015노4442




All appeals by prosecutors are dismissed.


1. The court below's decision on the grounds of appeal is improper because the punishment of one year and two months, which the defendant was sentenced to imprisonment, is too heavy or unhued.

2. The judgment of the defendant acknowledged each of the crimes of this case and against his mistake; the defendant paid 10 million won to Samsung Card Co., Ltd., which is part of the damage amount to Samsung Card Co., Ltd., which is the victim of the embezzlement case; the management crisis of the business of this case has partially affected the fraud and embezzlement crime of this case; the defendant concluded a lease contract for the first half of the first half of the amount of KRW 40 million from nonEth Capital Co., Ltd. with the first half of KRW 70 million; the lease fee was paid to the second half of KRW 12 million; the second half of KRW 35 million to the latter; the lease fee was also paid to the latter; the amount was also equivalent to KRW 11 million to KRW 2.3 million to the latter; the amount was actually paid to Samsung Card Co.,, Ltd., Ltd.; the amount was substantially reduced to KRW 100 million to KRW 500,000,000 to KRW 200,000 to KRW 20.

However, each of the crimes of this case committed by the Defendant, even though the Defendant had a duty to keep the said machinery until the rent was paid in full after concluding a lease agreement with the victimized Company, takes profits by arbitrarily transferring the said machinery in an amount equivalent to KRW 240 million, which was acquired after only a part of the rent was paid, to a third party, and the financial status of the Defendant has deteriorated.