(영문) 수원지방법원 평택지원 2015.10.22 2015고단574



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

On July 24, 2014, the Defendant: (a) around 07:00 on July 24, 2014, the victim E (24 years of age) at D offices located in the second floor of Ansan-si, for the reason that the victim E (24 years of age) expressed the victim’s her face to F who is the seat of the Defendant and female her, she can take the victim’s face at several times; (b) 10 times her face with drinking, 10 times her chest; (c) her head and breast part of the victim who was seated in a elbropo, her head and breast part of her chest, which are dangerous things kept in custody, and her head and head (1m in length) and her head, head and urged by the victim; and (d) 31 saw-day her length her part of the victim’s hand her hand her hand her hand her hand her hand her hand her.

At around 08:30 on the same day, the Defendant: (a) brought the victim to a house of F by burning the victim at the seat of F on four occasions; (b) brought the victim's head and head at the house of F in Gyeonggiwon; (c) brought the victim's head and head at five times in drinking and hand on the ground that the victim's knee did not recognize the victim's desire, and (d) caused the victim's right knee knee knee knee knee knee knee knee knee knee knee knee knee knee kne kne kne kne kne kne kne kne kne k

Summary of Evidence

1. Legal statement of witness E;

1. E police officers and prosecutorial statements;

1. The investigation report (No. 9 No.);

1. The defendant and the defense counsel in the written diagnosis of injury: first, the victim's head and the chest part of the victim's head and the chest part that the defendant was sitting in the elbow in the elf, knenee in the breast part, brooms and brooms in plastics, which are dangerous articles being kept in custody, and brooms and plastic collected brooms, and the victim's head and her head are collected once.