(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.10.21 2015가단5354189



1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. The Defendant, as an insurance company, entered into an insurance contract, concluded each of the following insurance contracts (hereinafter “each of the instant insurance contracts”) with the Plaintiff A and his/her spouse D (hereinafter “the deceased”).

(1) A contractor for a business without dividends: The date of the Plaintiff’s contract: The main insured on May 14, 2009: The date of the maturity and annual payment of the deceased: the insurance period of the deceased/he heir at the time of the death of the deceased: From May 14, 2009 to May 14, 2014; ② the date of the contract for the Deceased’s Social Insurance on February 14, 2013: The date of the Deceased’s Contract for the Child without Distribution (hereinafter referred to as “instant Insurance Contract”): the date of the Plaintiff’s Class C Insured: the heir’s insurance period:

B. According to Article 12(1)(1) of the Insurance Contract, the term “non-payment special agreement” in Article 12(1) provides that “if the insured dies directly due to a disaster, the insured shall not pay the insurance proceeds for the death of a disaster to the beneficiary (Article 10), and “if the insured intentionally injures himself/herself (Article 12).” (Article 12(2) provides, however, that the term “if it is proved that the insured has damaged himself/herself under a state of being unable to make a free decision due to a mental disorder, etc., he/she shall not pay the insurance proceeds” (Article 12(2) provides that the term “if the principal insured dies and is living in the insured, he/she shall not pay the insurance proceeds if the insured intentionally injures himself/herself due to a mental disorder, etc.” (Article 20).

C. On March 18, 2013, the deceased’s death, inheritance, etc. on March 18, 2013