(영문) 대전지방법원 2018.03.13 2018고단70



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On August 9, 2017, the Defendant was sentenced to a suspended sentence of three years in one year and six months and is still pending in the appellate court on the ground that the Defendant committed a violation of the Special Act on the Prevention of Damage to Telecommunications Finance and the Refund of Damage, etc. in the red support of the Daejeon District Court.

Criminal facts

The members of the call finance fraud group, who are named in the name of the victim, set up a call center to operate the call center, and agreed to share their roles with the “total liability” B, “the call center scam scam scam scam scam scamscams”, “the account supply scamscams” through which the victims are recruited to commit the crime, “the telephone supply scamscams” through which Korean telephone numbers can be displayed even if the call center scamscams, “the telephone supply scamscams” through which the call center provides for the use of the Internet telephone scamscams, and distribute the check card to withdraw the amount of damage, and deposit the collected cash into the account of criminal proceeds, etc.

피고인은 필리핀 앙헬레스에 거주하는 성명 불 상의 보이스 피 싱 조직원으로부터 휴대전화 채팅어 플 위챗으로 범행 지시를 받고, 인출 책에게 범행에 사용할 계좌의 체크카드를 분배하는 등 전달 책 역할을, 상 피고인( 분리) C은 고속버스 수화물 배송으로 수취한 체크카드를 이용하여 보이스 피 싱 피해 금을 인출하고, 범죄 수익금 계좌로 입금하는 ‘ 인출 책’ 역할을 맡기로 순차 공모하였다.

1. On December 10, 2016, the victim victim D’s name influent singing staff established a malicious program leading the victim D to access to a fake website similar to the financial institution’s website by an influence on a computer used at the victim D’s home at the hearing on December 10, 2016; and then, the victim’s bank account number, account identification number, and security card number;