(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2019.10.16 2019고단2850



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

【Summary of Criminal Organization】

1. On April 2017, 2017, B and C, China, China, China, established an office in the Chinese Jin-si, and acquired the personal information database of the victims in Korea, who are residents in the Republic of Korea, and planned a crime of “Sishing” by deceiving the victims of a financial institution by misrepresenting the employees of the financial institution without permission, and by deceiving them as if they had the financial institution arranged the loan, and by establishing an organization with the equipment and personnel capable of executing it.

2. On April 2017, B created physical facilities, including the Bosing Organization Office, etc., invested funds in accordance with the aforementioned plan, and made a manager of the Bosing Office C as Bosing Agency. Lease of the apartment complex and the lusence room in the Chinese Jin-si, the apartment complex in the Chinese city as well as the lusium and office of each of the lusent employees, and the households of the lusium and chairs, etc. were prepared as well as the physical facilities to be used by Bosing Agency by preparing for the place and implements necessary for committing the crimes of Bosing, such as having a computer and Internet telephone, etc.

3. The combination and personnel composition of the General Book D, and their roles based on the duties are as follows: (a) the total liability of the above Bosing Criminal Organization (hereinafter “instant criminal organization”); and (b) C as a manager around April 2017, the office was established as above; (c) D, which is a Joseon Party, paid investment money on August 2017, and was incorporated into the joint liability.

B, D, and C, while operating and managing the above office, had the defendant (alias E), F (alias G), H (alias), J (alias), L (alias), M), O (alias P, Q (alias), S (Transfer), V (alias), X (alias Y), Z (alias AA), AB (alias), AD (alias AE), AF (alias AE), AF (alias), AH, AI, AJ, AK, and AK sub-organization to monitor the above legal staff.

. Specifically;