(영문) 의정부지방법원 2020.01.17 2019고합203



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete the sexual assault treatment program for 40 hours.


Punishment of the crime

To the extent that it does not infringe on the defendant's defense right, the phrases of the facts charged were partly revised.

From the end of December 2018, the Defendant was living with the victim B (the age of 21) and maintained de facto marital relations, and the victim’s mother was requested from the victim to undergo a sternal surgery on May 24, 2019, which led to the aggravation of two between the Defendant and the Defendant.

On June 14, 2019, the Defendant received the articles of incorporation surgery.

1. From Jun. 9, 2019 to Oct. 10, 2019, the Defendant, at the home of the Defendant, who was rape and detained on June 9, 2019, around 18:0 on June 9, 2019, at the home of the Government-si of the Republic of Korea, the victim demanded the hedge, went out of the door, prevented the Defendant from her defect, and the victim led the Defendant from the damaged gate to the her hand, led the Defendant to the her seat, and then she was pushed down on the floor by pushing the Defendant.

The defendant said that the victim's head is click, cut off the victim's cell phone twice, laid off the victim's head, pushed off the victim's head with the wall, and then laid the victim into the wall, and caused the victim to sit in the bed. "When dealing with the victim's head, it takes place" due to the outbreak of the victim's head, and let the victim sit in the bed.

If the victim wishes to send the victim's face to the house, "I am back to the house, I am out of the victim's original sprinked clothes above the victim's body and put the victim from the bed, "I am out of the bed," and "I am off the victim's hand on the body of the victim's body" and "I am out of the victim's face" and "I am out of the victim's face, I am covered by the victim's face with his hand, suppressions the victim's face, and put the victim's sexual organ into the part of the victim's sound."

The Defendant, while sounding, brought the knife in front of the victim, and sent the knife in front of the victim. “I wish to do so” and “I wish to send the knife in front of the victim at 4:6:00 and 6:00.