(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.06.20 2016구합1463

손실보상금증액 등


1. The Defendant’s KRW 220,030,997 for the Plaintiff and KRW 5% per annum from January 13, 2016 to June 20, 2017.


1. Details of ruling;

(a) Business approval and public announcement - Business name: Public housing project (the first vehicle of Sungnam High School): The public announcement: The defendant; < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22183, May 26, 2010> No. 2010-316, May 26, 201

(b) The Central Land Tribunal’s ruling on expropriation as of November 19, 2015 - subject to expropriation: 427-2 large 167 square meters, 417-15 large 46 square meters, 418-1 large 615 square meters, 418-2 large 55 square meters, 418-3 large 418-3 large 26 square meters, 418-5 large 30 square meters, 418-5 large 30 square meters, 418-6 23 square meters (hereinafter “each land of this case”) and above 418-1 large 615 square meters, 418-1 large 615 square meters, and 417-15 large 4, which are owned by the Plaintiff; 418-15 square meters; 418-15 square meters; 418-2 large 415 square meters; 418-2 large 520 square meters; -306370 square meters; -270

C. The Central Land Tribunal’s ruling on June 23, 2016 - Details of the ruling: 2,627,206,300 won of compensation for losses for each of the instant land; and KRW 3,276,351,180 of compensation for losses for each of the instant obstacles evaluated as KRW 5,903,557,480 in total as compensation for losses; - An appraisal corporation: A flood appraisal corporation, Dong Vice-Governor, and a virtual appraisal corporation (hereinafter “Objection Ruling”).

D. Results of the court's entrustment to appraiser A of this case - Contents of appraisal: 6,123,58,477 won (hereinafter "court appraisal") for each of the lands of this case as compensation 2,824,261,40 won for losses, and compensation 3,29,327,077 won for losses for the obstacles of this case as compensation 6,123,58,47 won for losses for the obstacles of this case (hereinafter "court appraisal") / There is no dispute over the grounds for recognition, Gap evidence 1, 2 (including provisional numbers; hereinafter the same shall apply), Eul evidence 1, 2, and 3, each statement of evidence Nos. 1, 2, and 3

2. Determination

A. As to each of the instant lands and obstacles alleged by the Plaintiff.