(영문) 전주지방법원 2019.11.08 2018나8753



1. The plaintiff's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal, including the costs of supplementary participation, are all assessed against the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. On June 29, 2017, the Plaintiff driven a bicycle at around 07:10, while driving a bicycle, was facing the front Tri-distance G in Si of Gunsan (hereinafter “instant intersection”) from the boundary of the playground distance to the boundary of the view distance. The Defendant driven a Hpo-cargo freight to turn to the left from the boundary of the playground distance from the I apartment room, the right side of the Plaintiff’s proceeding direction. However, in the process, there was an accident that the left side of the vehicle loaded on the said cargo vehicle and the front wheels of the said bicycle are facing.

(hereinafter “instant accident”). (b)

According to CCTV images taken by the instant accident point, the progress of the vehicle at the instant intersection before and after the instant accident is as follows.

① The Defendant’s proceeding direction: ① the occurrence of the instant accident (Around 00:33), ② the Plaintiff’s proceeding direction (Around 1:43), the numberless car stops (Around 1:53) on the part of the Plaintiff’s operating direction; ③ the left-hand turn (Around 1:53) at the seat of the sports range of the car string in the direction of the Defendant’s proceeding (Around 2:03). ④ The Defendant’s moving along the instant intersection (Around 2:09) with the direction of the Plaintiff’s proceeding, the other bicycles enter the crosswalk (Around 2:09) and going to the left-hand turn at the crosswalk (Around 2:12), and the Defendant’s moving from the instant vehicle (Around 2:17) to the point of the instant accident (Around 2:57).

C. According to the current information chart of the intersection of this case, the signal of the intersection of this case is 1:0 m3,000 m3,000 m3,000 m3,000 m3,000 m3,000 m3,000 m3,000 m3,000 m3,000 m3,000 m3,00.