(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2015.11.06 2015고정569



The prosecution of this case is dismissed.


1. 공소사실 피고인은 2015. 1. 8. 08:30경 서울 성동구 D건물 3층에 있는 피고인의 집에서 아내인 피해자 E(여, 33세)과 집안 청소문제로 시비가 되어 피해자에게 그곳에 있던 실로폰을 던지고, 두 손으로 피해자의 목을 조르고, 발로 피해자의 오른쪽 종아리 부위를 1회 찼다.

Accordingly, the defendant assaulted the victim.

2. We examine the judgment. The facts charged of this case are crimes falling under Article 260 (1) of the Criminal Act and cannot be prosecuted against the victim's express intent under Article 260 (3) of the Criminal Act. According to the trial records of this case, the victim can recognize the fact that he/she has withdrawn his/her wish to punish the defendant on November 6, 2015, which is after the prosecution of this case. Thus, the prosecution of this case is dismissed under Article 327 (6) of the Criminal Procedure Act. It is so decided as per Disposition.