The defendant shall be innocent.
1. On March 5, 2018, the Defendant received letters related to loans from a member of the telephone financial fraud (so-called “scam”) in the name of the Defendant (so-called “Scam”) and consented to the withdrawal of money in accordance with the direction of the above person under his name, with the proposal that “a loan can be made even if credit is good, it is possible to use it as a current transaction record, but it is impossible to use it as a result of the current transaction, but if the account number is notified, it will be deposited in the name of the employee of the company, and if the account number is returned to the employee, it will be returned to the employee and then will be returned to the employee, it will be notified of the account number of the bank account in the name of the Defendant and will be withdrawn in accordance with the direction of the above person under his name.”
위 성명불상자는 2018. 3. 7. 10:00경 불상지에서 사실은 검사가 아님에도 검찰 등 수사기관을 사칭하여 불특정 다수인을 상대로 돈을 송금받아 가로챌 마음을 먹고, 피해자 D에게 전화하여 ‘서울중앙지방검찰청 E 검사인데 D 명의로 대포통장이 발급되어 수사 중이니 모든 계좌의 돈을 인출하여 국가 안전 감시 계좌에 맡겨놓아야 한다’라고 거짓말하여, 이에 속은 피해자로부터 같은 날 11:54경 위 B은행 계좌로 13,873,410원, 같은 날 11:55경 349원, 같은 날 16:50경 1,300,000원을 송금받았다.
The facts are as follows: (a) the Defendant’s written indictment in the above B Bank Account is written as “L Union Account,” but it appears to be a clerical error in “B Bank Account.”
Around 11:54 of the same day and around 11:55 of the same day in accordance with the order of the person who was not entitled to receive the loan, the sum of KRW 13,800,000, out of KRW 13,873,759, which was transferred from the victim to the above B Bank account two times at around 12:19 of the same day, shall be withdrawn from the branch of the B Bank G located in Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government F, in cash, around 12:19 of the same day.