(영문) 창원지방법원 진주지원 2018.12.18 2018고단1230




A Imprisonment with prison labor for a year and six months, and for a defendant B, for six months, respectively.

However, this decision is delivered to the Defendants.


Punishment of the crime

1. Joint crimes committed by the Defendants

A. On August 5, 2018, at the “F” restaurant operated by the victim E in Jinnam-si around 22:20 on August 5, 2018, the Defendants, who interfered with their duties, went out of the facility after drinking the horses of the employees, but did not go out of the facility. The Defendants A, “I am female employees, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am. I am, I am. I am.

“The Defendant B was able to talk with the speaker”, and Defendant B was able to talk with the chair.

In addition, Defendant A was suffering from her employee's her block and her blicker, and her blicker, and Defendant B was suffering from her blicker, and Defendant B was suffering from her blicker due to his blicker's blicker.

As a result, the Defendants conspired and interfered with the victim's operation of the restaurant by force between about 30 minutes.

B. Defendant B, at around 22:48 of the same day, was on the floor of the chairer of the market value of KRW 100,000,00 as described in paragraph (a), and Defendant A, who was on the floor of the relevant restaurant, was clicker of the market value of KRW 22,40,000, and clicker of the market value of KRW 400,000 in the market value.

In addition, the Defendants followed the disturbance by the police officers dispatched after receiving the report 112, such as pressing the situation of the case, leading them to the employees. Defendant A opened a table table of the market price of 300,000 won, and caused five chairs equivalent to the market price of 48,700 won in total.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to damage the total market value of 1,371,100 won owned by the victim.

2. The sole criminal conduct of Defendant A;

A. On August 5, 2018, the Defendant: (a) was arrested as a flagrant offender for the crime of the foregoing paragraph (1) around August 22:5, 2018; and (b) was arrested as a flagrant offender for the crime of the foregoing paragraph (1); (c) on August 5, 2018, the Defendant: (a) was arrested as a police box of the Jinju Police Station; and (d) the police officer “Wook, sar

“The market price of 130,000 won above the book with sound as a hand is equal to 130,000.