(영문) 의정부지방법원 2017.07.05 2016고단4579




A's imprisonment with prison labor for one year and the second 1031's highest 2017's highest 777's highest 2016's highest 2016's judgment.


Punishment of the crime


On November 7, 2014, A was sentenced to a suspended sentence of one-year imprisonment for a crime of fraud at the District Court, and the said judgment became final and conclusive on November 15, 2014.


B On December 24, 2015, upon being sentenced to two years of probation for ten months in imprisonment by the Ulsan District Court, on September 2, 2016, the said judgment becomes final and conclusive on September 2, 2016, and is currently under the grace period.

Defendant A, around February 29, 2012, at the I office located in Seongdong-gu Seoul, Seoul around February 29, 2012, Defendant A, “A was responsible for the execution of the Japanese L reclamation work in Seongbuk-gu, Northern-gu, North Korea, and the victim J will subcontract the construction of spbles and spbles.

The phrase “a request was made to lend the expenses to be incurred in obtaining an office in the port.”

However, in fact, there was no difference in the fact that the construction was ordered to a specific business entity at the time, and the Defendant did not enter into any contract between the business owner and the chain. Therefore, even if the victim borrowed money from the victim, the victim did not have the intent or ability to subcontract the construction work, such as punishment.

Nevertheless, the defendant deceiving the victim as above and received KRW 15 million from the victim's account in the name of the state of clean forestry development (state) on the same day from the victim. From that time until August 16, 2012, the defendant obtained a total of KRW 69,50,000 in connection with the above construction from the victim, such as the list of crimes in the annexed crime list, from August 16, 2012.

"2017 Highest 777"

1. Defendant A and B’s joint criminal act is the representative of M Co., Ltd., and Defendant B, as the representative of M Co., Ltd., Defendant A and the representative of M Co., Ltd., on June 26, 2013, Defendant B displayed “a contract for a set-off of a set-off of punishment” written in the name of the representative A and M Co., Ltd., the representative of L Co., Ltd., and Defendant B ordered L Co., Ltd. to work for a set-off of a set-off development project at L Co., Ltd., and M was subcontracted by M Co., Ltd.

However, as the office of the party head must seek and the initial cost is urgently required, the amount of 60,000 square meters is loaned.