(영문) 울산지방법원 2018.02.22 2017고단3690




A shall be punished by a fine of 20,000,000 won, and the defendant corporation B shall be punished by a fine of 5,000,000 won, respectively.


A above.


Punishment of the crime


A As the representative director of a corporation B, the Defendant B (hereinafter referred to as “B”) is a corporation established for the purpose of opening the main office in Daegu Seo-gu, Daegu-gu, with the purpose of cutting heat iron plates and selling the former, etc.

1. On October 10, 2016, Defendant A, through a roller for transfer at a mountain factory located in B in Ulsan-gu, Ulsan-gu, U.S., U.S., the Defendant cut off the co-dayss according to the consortium size.

The Defendant, as a person in charge of safety and health management, has a duty of care to prevent accidents by installing a cover, a sound, a slick, a slick, a slick, a slick, a slick, a slick, etc. on the part of the machinery, which is likely to be in danger to workers.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected to do so and neglected to ensure that the victim G, who was employed by the Defendant, was forced to take a part of the string so that the string of the string may make the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string of the string, was forced

As a result, the Defendant suffered injury to the victim due to occupational accidents and did not take safety measures to prevent industrial accidents.

2. The defendant B, the defendant, at the time and place specified in paragraph (1), is recorded in paragraph (1) in relation to the defendant's business.