(영문) 서울행정법원 2016.02.19 2014구합75919



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of the lawsuit, including the part resulting from the supplementary participation, are all assessed against the Plaintiff.


1. Details of the disposition;

A. On March 1, 2011, the Plaintiff was newly appointed as C University (hereinafter “instant University”) as an associate professor of the art department and the film department, which was operated by the Intervenor, and was changed to the department of film at the art college on March 1, 2012. On November 11, 2013, the Plaintiff was appointed as the head of a graduate school, such as the film department at the art college and the film department, and was in office as a professor at the instant school prior to the instant disposition.

On the other hand, D (198) was the president of the department of film and master’s degree at the university of this case, and E (1987) was the faculty of the art university of this case.

B. On June 24, 2014, the president of the University (hereinafter “the president”) requested the Plaintiff to take disciplinary action against the Plaintiff on the instant teachers’ disciplinary committee of the University (hereinafter “the instant committee”) as follows.

<징계사유> 원고는 학과 교수이자 학과장인 지위를 이용하여 2014. 6. 18. 18:00-20:00 사이 본인이 지도한 애니메이션과 매니지먼트 강좌를 수강한 대학원생 및 학부생 총 8인(남학생 1인, 여학생 7인)과 수업종강 저녁식사 자리(이하 ‘이 사건 회식’이라 한다)에서 술에 취하여 ⓐ 피해 여학생 D과 러브샷을 하면서 수차례 부둥켜 안고 오른쪽 목덜미에 입을 맞추고 무릎을 베고 누워버리는 행동을 하고, ⓑ 피해 여학생 E에게 옆으로 오라고 말을 했으나 이에 응하지 않자 자신이 직접 피해 여학생 E 옆으로 자리를 옮긴 후에 피해 여학생 E의 볼을 만지고 꼬집고 껴안고 짧은 치마를 입은 피해 여학생 E의 무릎을 베고 누워서는 피해 여학생 E의 맨다리에 얼굴을 파묻은 채로 얼굴을 돌려 가랑이 사이로 오른쪽 허벅지 안쪽에 입을 맞추어 추행하였으며, ⓒ 원고의 옆에 앉아 있던 여학생들인 F, G에게 기대고 여학생들과 돌아가며 러브샷을 하면서 포옹을 하여 동석한 여학생들에게 성적 혐오감을...