(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.09.04 2017나56478



1. The judgment of the first instance court, including the plaintiff's claim extended by this court, shall be modified as follows:


1. The reasoning for this case by the court of first instance is the same as the ground for the judgment of the court of first instance, with the exception of the following parts, thereby citing it as it is in accordance with the main sentence of Article 420 of the Civil Procedure Act.

2. The main part of the first instance judgment No. 4, 2 of the same part is as follows. The actual income of the victim should be calculated on the basis of the victim's wages or reported income in calculating the actual income of the plaintiff 60 years of age under the report on the survey of actual construction wages, the number of working days, and the actual income of the plaintiff 60 years of age, as sought by the plaintiff. The defendant asserted that the actual income of the victim in the tort compensation case can be calculated on the basis of the victim's actual income at the time of the accident and can be assessed on the basis of estimated income including statistical income. The actual income of the victim in the tort damages case can be assessed on the basis of the victim's actual income at the time of the accident, and if the victim did not present evidence of the actual income, it should be calculated on the basis of statistical income of the victim 1, 2008Da9110, 298, 197, 209, 197, 209).