(영문) 제주지방법원 2014.06.12 2013고합201




A Imprisonment with prison labor for three years, for two years, for two years, and for one year and six months, for Defendant C, respectively.



Criminal facts


B is an employee of JF in Seopo City I (hereinafter referred to as “JF”), Defendant A is a K K’s operator who provides consulting services related to the construction of facilities related to HACCP (Hazardous Criteria) and Defendant C is the actual operator of the L Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “L”) who performs construction of machinery by receiving orders from JFF in relation to the following subsidized projects.

1. On August 25, 201, the Defendants’ violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Economic Crimes (Fraud) and the Act on the Management of Subsidies were selected as the project owner of “M promotion project” in the total project cost of KRW 3 billion (the national subsidy of KRW 1.25 billion, KRW 1.255 billion, KRW 1.5 billion, KRW 50 million, KRW 50 million, KRW 500,000,000, and KRW 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

The summary of the instant subsidy project plan is to support the cost of construction of machinery related to processing to the extent of KRW 2.5 billion for the State and local subsidies, and to secure land sites and construct factories in excess of KRW 500,000,000 for JF, who is a subsidized project operator.

On April 2012, the Defendants, in the second floor planning room, etc. of the JF head office of JF Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “N”), conspiredd in order to pay the N and the Defendant for the cost of construction of the entire machinery by receiving a subsidy of KRW 2.7.5 billion in total from KRW 2.5 billion to KRW 5 billion in total, and paying the cost of construction of the machinery to L, in which the cost of construction of the machinery was increased to KRW 2.7 billion in total, and the cost of construction of the JF plant (renovation) and consulting related to construction are paid to N and the Defendant.

With respect to the specific process of public offering, after Defendant B has determined the specific amount of the cost of rebuilding construction and the cost of mechanical equipment construction, the machinery subject to subsidies.