A shall be punished by a fine for negligence of KRW 7,000,000, and by a fine of KRW 3,000,000.
The above fine is imposed against the Defendants.
Punishment of the crime
A is a person who is equipped with nine rooms in Suwon-si C and four rooms in Suwon-si, one toilet and sprink, and one room in each room and operates a sexual traffic business establishment in the trade name of "D", and Defendant B is a person who works for the above business establishment as an employee.
At around 19:10 on October 21, 2014, A received calls from police officers who pretended to be customers at the above business establishment, and directed the location of the above business establishment. Defendant B received 65,000 won as the price for sexual traffic from the above police officers and directed the said business establishment four times as the price for sexual traffic, and then carried them into the above room in order to perform the similarity behavior, such as the hand-on-on-day service.
A from October 14, 2014 to October 10, 19:10 of the same month, from October 19, 2014 to October 21, 2010 of the same month, Defendant B advertised on the Internet sites, such as “F”, “G”, and “H” from October 19, 2014 to October 19:10 of the same month, and, on the other hand, arranged sexual traffic by the above methods against male customers, who were found to receive KRW 30-minute course 40,000, and KRW 65,000.
As a result, Defendants conspired to arrange sexual traffic for business purposes.
Summary of Evidence
1. Defendants’ respective legal statements
1. Statement of the police officer to I;
1. A E-document;
1. A, a protocol of seizure (B, and each list of seizure);
1. Application of statutes on field photographs;
1. The Defendants: Article 19(2)1 of the Act on the Punishment of Acts of Arranging Sexual Traffic, Etc.; Article 30 of the Criminal Act; Article 30 of the Criminal Act; Article 19(2)1 of the same Act; and Article 30
1. Defendants to be detained in a workhouse: Articles 70(1) and 69(2) of the Criminal Act;
1. Confiscation;
(a) Defendant A: Article 48(1)1 and 2 of the Criminal Act;
B. Defendant B: Article 48(1)1 of the Criminal Act
1. Defendants of the provisional payment order: Article 334(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act