1. The judgment of the first instance court, including the plaintiff's claim extended at the trial room, shall be modified as follows:
The defendant.
B. Until December 12, 201, the Plaintiff performed the work of improving C systems operated in 201 with the Plaintiff and the work of “Hriart telecommunications server, app development, and Lriart development”.
[2] On February 28, 2013, the Defendant requested the Plaintiff to participate in the development of a C system in preparation for the relocation of B in 2013, and submitted a draft plan from the Plaintiff on January 16, 2013, following the process of planning, etc. on February 28, 2013, where the Plaintiff and the Defendant planned a program necessary to operate the C system project during the contract period and gave work instructions to the Plaintiff in the form of a Story, the Defendant is the Plaintiff’s principal stove to develop the program according to the Defendant’s direction, and “the instant contract” hereinafter referred to as “the instant contract.
)을 체결하면서 계약일자를 2013. 2. 1.로 소급하여 계약서를 작성하였다. 【계약내용】 ◎계약금액 일금 이억오천만원정(\250,000,000/VAT 별도) ◎결제조건 *계약일반조건 및 대금지급상세내역서 참조 - 현금결제 : \150,000,000원(VAT 별도) - 기회비용 : W100,000,000원 ◎기타사항 계약범위는 개발 후 현장운영을 포함한다. 【계약일반조건】 제3조(업무수행범위) ② “을”(원고를 말한다,
hereinafter the same shall apply.
- “A” (referring to the defendant) shall carry out the following tasks:
hereinafter the same shall apply.
- Internal System and server management - Parts of Development (Development, Design Blusing), PM and Human Resources Management - Residential Support for Development and Operation of Programs (Interim omitted) - Examination and Correction/Supplement for Development Results - Support for Additional Development Affairs due to Cooperative Organization’s Partnership/ Marketing - On-site operational affairs (Support for Development and On-Site Establishment, Operation/Management. 3 “B” shall submit output of development results as follows:
- Article 5. - All of the development and design development originals in accordance with the development methodology - Article 5.