(영문) 광주지방법원 해남지원 2018.06.05 2017가단21661



1. The Defendant’s KRW 15,510,00 for the Plaintiff and 6% per annum from December 7, 2013 to June 5, 2018.


1. The parties' assertion

A. On March 8, 2013, the Plaintiff supplied each of the following: ① KRW 400,000 (i.e., KRW 400,000 x KRW 330,000 per annum) to the Defendant; ② KRW 39,00,000 on December 17, 2013 (i.e., KRW 130,000 x KRW 300 per annum).

The Defendant paid to the Plaintiff KRW 45 million on December 2013, 2013, KRW 10 million on January 1, 2014, KRW 20 million on February 2, 2014, KRW 20 million on August 2015, and KRW 36.9 million on June 3, 2016.

Therefore, the defendant is obliged to pay the remaining amount of 3,9310,000 won (i.e., ① - - - - -) and damages for delay to the plaintiff.

B. The Defendant was supplied with a 400,000,000 won from the Plaintiff on March 8, 2012 (i.e., KRW 400,000 x KRW 330,00 per 1 US) and a 39,000,000 won on December 6, 2013 (i.e., KRW 130,000 x KRW 300 per 1 US). However, there was no fact that the Defendant was supplied with a fright of 132,00,00 won on March 8, 2013 (i.e., KRW 400,00 x KRW 330,00 per 1 US).

피고는 원고에게 위 각 전복치패대금으로 ⓐ 2012. 6. 7. 500만 원, ⓑ 2013. 4. 2. 500만 원, ⓒ 2013. 5. 1. 1,000만 원, ⓓ 2013. 12. 4,500만 원, ⓔ 2014. 1. 28. 1,000만 원, ⓕ 2014. 2. 11. 2,000만 원, ⓖ 2015. 1. 1. 180만 원, ⓗ 2015. 8. 2,000만 원, ⓘ 2015. 12. 23. 200만 원, ⓙ 2016. 6. 3,669만 원을 지급하였다.

그 결과 피고가 원고에게 지급하여야 할 전복치패대금은 1,551만 원(= - ⓐ - ⓑ - ⓒ - ⓓ - ⓔ - ⓕ - ⓖ - ⓗ - ⓘ - ⓙ)만이 남아 있다.

2. There is no evidence to acknowledge that the Plaintiff supplied the Defendant with a diversary failure of a fat on March 8, 2013 (i.e., KRW 400,000 x KRW 330 per annum).

The Plaintiff asserts that the Defendant, without any objective evidence, only based solely on the evidence No. 2, including the transaction books recording the details of supply and reimbursement, also recognized that the Defendant was supplied with the original 132 million won from the Plaintiff on March 8, 2013.

However, evidence No. 2-3.