(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.09.25 2014고단3546



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

1. At around 04:00 on December 18, 2013, the Defendant entered a residence intrusion: (a) the victim C (the 20-year-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old-old (the 3rd floor of the building in Gwanak-gu, Seoul) was found in the victim’s house living in the third floor of the building in Gwanak-gu, Seoul; (b) did not open a door and opened a door to the third floor; and (c) went into the victim’s house through the victim’s colon; and (d) went into the victim’s house.

2. The injured Defendant entered the house of the above victim C at the same time as above at the same time as above, and discovered the victim E (21 years of age) who was married by the victim C and the victim C with the defendant at the inside, and found the victim E (21 years of age) together with the victim's request for delivery, and misleads the victim E's face and body, etc. due to drinking and launching, and makes the victim's face, body, etc. more than three weeks of treatment to the victim E, such as drinking and drinking, and raising the victim's face and body, etc. at approximately four weeks of treatment to the victim, and put the victim C open body, etc. requiring approximately four weeks of treatment.

3. In the process of assaulting the above victim C and E at the same time as above at the same place as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, when E escaped and left the victim’s house, the Defendant: (a) monitor the victim, who was drinking with the above assault, so as not to get out of the house or make phone calls to other persons, such as his/her family members, etc.; (b) did not have the victim complained of the above injury and continued to have the victim go to leave the hospital; (c) on December 18, 2013, the Defendant got off the victim, and went back to the Ebusscopus area hospital located in the Seocho-dong Seoul Special Metropolitan City, Seowon-gu, Seoul, for the reason that there are many other persons, and later went back to the victim again and went back to the victim again with the house of the victim.

Even after the defendant goes out of the house, the defendant goes out of the house.