(영문) 수원지방법원 2019.07.17 2017가단27347 (1)

(명의신탁해지로 인한) 소유권이전등기


1. The defendant shall be the plaintiff.

(a) 4,241,120 shares of the real estate listed in [Attachment 1 to 7] 904,932,00 among the real estate listed in [Attachment 1 to 7].


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Plaintiff is a clan consisting of adult men and women among descendants of AV, who are 17 years of age of ATC, the 17 years of age of AV.

B. Each of the lands listed in the separate sheet is located in the vicinity of Gyeonggi-gun BG located in the Gyeonggi-gun BG located in the AV grave, and the ownership transfer registration was completed on February 25, 1932 in the name of AW, AX, AY, BA, and at least five AZ.

(The shares in possession shall be equal to 1/5 each).

AW, AX, AY, and BA are all the members of the Plaintiff’s clan, and AZ is not the descendants of AV or the Plaintiff’s clan members.

(A) BH, the father of the Z, entered into the two by BJ, the grandchildren of BI, the fourth degree of AV, and went out (D).

AW and his father BK are the descendants of the plaintiff clan.

AW, AX, and Y are between the six degrees.

AZ is the blood relationship between BA and the sixth degree, and the two persons are the relationship between BK and the tenth degree.

E. The address of the AZ recorded in the register of each land listed in the separate sheet is “Yinman-gun BB” and is the same as that of the AW at the time.

Attached Form

With respect to the BL, BM, and BN land in the vicinity of each land indicated in the list (hereinafter referred to as “the separate land”), the ownership transfer registration has been completed in the name of BK, AW, AX, AY, BA, and AZ from around 1927 to around 1930 each in the name of BK, AW, AY, B, and AZ.

In addition, separate lands were registered in the upper land register, and among them, the cultivationer is the AZ (ZO) certificate on the upper land of BM.

On the other hand, the address of BA stated in the register of each land listed in the separate sheet is "BP of Chungcheongnam-gun, Chungcheongnam-gun."

F. The Defendant succeeded to BA in succession, and the Defendant’s share in each land listed in the separate sheet Nos. 1 through 7 (hereinafter “instant land”) is 44,241,120/90 of the inheritance share.

G. Meanwhile, on August 12, 2014, the Defendant completed the registration of ownership transfer for shares 483,58/9,635,850 out of each land listed in [Attachment List Nos. 8 through 13 (hereinafter “instant land”) on the grounds of inheritance, following the completion of the registration of ownership transfer for shares as prescribed by inheritance. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 25079, Oct. 20, 2014>