(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.01.26 2015가단200317



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. The major changes in the ownership of the land A and four parcels in Ansan-gu, Ansan-gu, An (hereinafter “instant project site”) are as follows:

순위번호 등기목적 접수 연월일 등기원인 권리자 및 기타 사항 5 소유권이전 2002. 2. 28. 2002. 2. 27. 매매 소유자 ㈜윌코리아 9 소유권이전 2002. 12. 31. 2002. 12. 31. 신탁 수탁자 케이비부동산신탁㈜ 10 소유권이전 2003. 10. 14. 2003. 10. 13. 신탁재산의 귀속 소유자 ㈜윌코리아 11 소유권이전 2003. 10. 14. 2003. 10. 13. 신탁 수탁자 케이비부동산신탁㈜ 12 소유권이전 2007. 5. 31. 2007. 5. 28. 매매 수탁자인 케이비부동산신탁㈜은 2004년 10월경 ㈜윌코리아가 부도처리되자 이 사건 사업부지와 그 지상에 건축 중인 건물을 공매처분하였다.

On May 31, 2007, the reason for cancellation of the trust registration No. 11: the ownership transfer 13 through the trust property disposal of the trust property: the reason for cancellation of the trust registration No. 13 on December 24, 2007 on December 24, 2007, the owner of the trust property to whom the trust property belongs, shall be the owner of the trust property to whom the trust property belongs, and on December 24, 2007, the right to implement the trust registration No. 15 through December 24, 2007, shall be transferred to the trust management committee on December 24, 2007. < Amended by Act No. 8827, Dec. 24, 2007; Act No. 8777, Dec. 3, 2007>

The ground for cancellation of trust registration No. 16 on November 28, 2008, by the trustee, Defendant 17 ownership transfer on December 24, 2007, the trustee of trust on November 28, 2008: The ground for cancellation of trust registration No. 16 on November 28, 2008: the ownership ownership trust administrator C. 18 ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership ownership of trust property reverted to trust property. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 20427, Nov. 28, 2008>

B. The major changes in the ownership of the 506 main complex building completed on the instant project site are as follows.

On November 28, 2008, on November 28, 2008, the date of receipt of the priority number registration, the holder of the right and other matters shall be the owner of the right, and on November 28, 2008, on November 28, 2008, the trust property of the trust trustee Defendant 3 through December 1, 2008. < Amended by Act No. 9113, Dec. 1, 2008>