(영문) 대구지방법원상주지원 2019.06.19 2018가단8056



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On October 31, 1986, B-ground buildings (hereinafter “instant building”) were divided into two parts around October 31, 1986 and the registration of ownership preservation was completed.

One is to put up “(1) 1/2 shares of C and D with each of the 1/2 shares of “1/2 shares, 149.56 square meters, 149.56 square meters, 199.56 square meters, 199.56 square meters, 199.56 square meters, and 199.56 square meters of each floor, within 199.56 square meters of 2nd floor in the commercial city B No. B No. 1 and 199.56 square meters of each floor in the building sign (hereinafter “1 registration”), and the other is to put up “2 square meters of each floor of reinforced concrete structure No. 2 in the commercial city B No. 2 in the commercial city and 19.56 square meters of each floor in the neighborhood living facilities and amusement facilities, 19.56 square meters of each floor in the second floor in the building sign” (hereinafter “2 registration”).

B. Around April 20, 198, F completed the registration of ownership transfer with respect to C shares in the first registration, and the Plaintiff completed the registration of ownership transfer with respect to D shares in the first registration around August 4, 2013.

C. E and F obtained the Plaintiff’s consent around 1994, extended part of the first and second floors of the instant building and three floors of the instant building.

With respect to the three floors extended to the building of this case, the number of the location of the building of this case was “G, B,” and the current status of the building was “234.76 square meters existing on the first floor, 234.76 square meters existing on the second floor, 3 square meters, 95.14 square meters existing on the second floor (house),” and the building register in which the owner was E.

(hereinafter “instant building register”). E.

On January 20, 2016, I, as a public official belonging to the defendant, worked in the H division of the Safety Administration Bureau at the time of permanent residence, changed the indication of the "existing" on the first floor and the second floor of the building in the building ledger of this case from among the employees of the certified judicial scrivener office of this case, and entered the change column in the changed column "the change of the purpose of use (234.76 m2, 234.76 m2, 234.76 m2, 234.76 m2, 234.76 m2, 234.76 m2,000)" in accordance with the current situation.

F. As to the instant building on January 21, 2016, “A” in the name of Dongju-si, B No. 3, and the third lub roof, and the first 234.76m2, 234.76m2, 34.76m2, and 95.14m2, respectively.