(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.06.15 2014가합564387



All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the plaintiffs.


. The medical team transferred the Deceased to an emergency room.

On January 13, 2014, the deceased arrived at an emergency room at around 11:49, and thereafter, the medical staff of the Defendant Hospital refers to all kinds of tests and emergency measures on the deceased and the transfer of the deceased to the cardio-cerebrovaste Center and the deceased to the cardio-cerebrste Center, and the treatment is conducted to expand the heart blood transfusions inserted through the sculplate and scules inserted through the sculing beer and sculpt.

At the time, the status of the deceased and the details of the treatment by the medical staff of the defendant hospital are as follows:

The State Treatment Contents 11:49* Definite Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern 90/60mHg, 36 times of bed: almost 11:51 Madern Madern 94% pin 94% pinium 11:53* 61/46mHg, bedle 34 times per acid * 2L per bulk * 0.5m/ml 12: 12: 5mp. 12: 6m2: Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern * 64/53mH g, 32-6mpin Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern Madern *.

13:05* After the transfer to the middle patient room, the deceased was treated in the middle patient room, but the heart function has not been recovered, and the state of the deceased showed low blood pressure. On January 27, 2014, around 8:42, 201, the deceased died due to multi-faceted long-term damage by acute high-speed color.

Relevant medical knowledge, ornamental beer diseases (scopic scopic scopic scopic scoppopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopic scopics