(영문) 부산지방법원 2018.02.23 2017고단5649




A Imprisonment with prison labor of one year and two months, defendant B's imprisonment with prison labor of four months, defendant C with prison labor of six months and defendant D.


Punishment of the crime


A along with G, a person who jointly operated a "I" entertainment shop on the P, 1st underground floor in Busan, the P, the P, and the 1st underground floor in Busan, the P, the P, and the 1st underground floor of the P, and L was the manager of the above entertainment shop. M was the person who worked as the water of the above entertainment shop, and M was the person who was employed as the water of the above entertainment shop, and the person who was employed by G by the defendant B, the defendant C, the defendant D, the defendant E, the defendant E, and the defendant F was the person who was employed by G to provide the above entertainment shop and receive allowances.

The Defendants conspired with G, etc. to put the two-way drinking in the remaining two-way drinking room, put the two-way drinking in the two-way drinking room, made the math into the two-way drinking room which does not provide the customers with the math to the said place, enticed the customers under the influence of alcohol into the said main place, and putting them into the said two-way drinking place, putting them over, or instigate them to make profits by using the said method, such as making the customer’s card at will, making the customer’s fee, keeping the two-way drinking in the table, putting them on the table, putting them over, and putting them into the table as they are under the influence of alcohol.

1. On February 4, 2017, Defendants A, C, and F, in collusion with G, etc., have shown the attitude that Defendants F and C provided the victim N with normal alcohol and alcohol and that they would be paid through due process in collusion with G, etc. on February 4, 2017. Defendant F and C provided the victim with the victim’s credit card from the victim’s wall to the victim under the influence of alcohol. Defendant F and C instructed Defendant F to provide the two goods to Defendant C and to cover the goods. Defendant F and C provided the victim under the influence of alcohol, and the victim was the victim’s credit card from the victim’s wall without the victim’s consent.