(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.02.05 2015가단100905

소유권보존등기말소 등


1. Defendant Republic of Korea shall be the Plaintiff:

(a) In respect of the real estate listed in the annex No. 1, Suwon District Court.


1. Basic facts

A. 1) The assessment of the land indicated in the attached list 1) The forest survey report on the female-gun B of the Gyeonggi-do, which was prepared under the Joseon Forest Survey Order, is the land before the division of the case.

(2) On April 30, 1919, “E (F)” residing in “Guwon-gun, Gangwon-do,” was indicated as being under circumstances. 2) The land prior to the instant subdivision was partitioned into the attached Tables 1 and 2 (hereinafter “instant 1 and 2”) on September 27, 1984.

3) The Land Survey Board for the Kuju-gun-gun-gun-gun-gun, which is prepared by the Land Survey Board for the Joseon-gun-gun-gun, Dowon-gun-gun, Gangwon-do (attached Form 3; hereinafter referred to as “instant 3 land”).

(B) On June 11, 1986, the Defendant Republic of Korea stated that “E (H)” was subject to assessment on June 4, 1915 (Seoul four years). However, the address of E is not written and is in official space. B. The Defendant Republic of Korea’s preservation of ownership on the instant land 1, 2, and 3 is subject to disposition 1 regarding the instant land on December 11, 1986.

The registration of preservation of ownership was made as described in the paragraph.

2) On December 3, 1987, the Korean Rural Community Corporation made registration of preservation of ownership on the land of this case on the ground of land expropriation, and on June 24, 2010, the defendant Korea Rural Community Corporation changed the name of the said association to the defendant Korea Rural Community Corporation; 3) on March 20, 1986, the defendant Korea changed the name of the said association to the registered titleholder. 1-B of the order as to the land of this case on March 20, 1986.

The registration of preservation of ownership was made as described in the paragraph.

C. On August 23, 1930, I, an inheritance-related plaintiff I died, and succeeded to the property of the plaintiff's father, the plaintiff's husband, and on August 16, 1975, E died, and on August 16, 1975, K and the plaintiff's father L jointly inherited the property.

L died on May 15, 1998, and the plaintiff 1 South and North Ma jointly inherited the property.

[Ground of Recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 1 to 7 (including branch numbers, if any) respectively.