(영문) 부산지방법원 2018.06.08 2017가단9387



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. (1) On September 6, 2007, the Plaintiff entered into a labor contract with the Defendant who is engaged in a multi-family housing management business, etc. and entered into an employment contract with the Defendant, and up to February 3, 2017, the Defendant’s business place, Busan Jin-gu Busan apartment (hereinafter “instant apartment”) (hereinafter “instant apartment”).

(B) Although the management office’s office performed the Plaintiff’s duties as a leader of an engine (boiler) from January 1, 2014 to November 30, 2016, the nature of the Plaintiff’s duties, working conditions, working hours, wages, etc. are as follows: (a) although the duties are performed, there are many hours of waiting in preparation for unexpected accidents, such as mechanical repair works, etc.; (b) as a shooting-day work (24-hour shift) work, the next 24 hours’ working day is guaranteed.

다) 1일 근로시간(09:00부터 익일 09:00까지) 중 실근로시간, 대기시간, 휴게시간, 급여 (1) 2014. 1. 1. ~ 2014. 12. 31. (가) 근로시간 : 실근로시간 8시간, 대기시간 11시간, 휴게시간 5시간(13:00 ~ 14:30, 18:30 ~ 20:00, 24:00 ~ 02:00) (나) 급여 : 월 2,148,180원(기본급 1,498,610원, 복리수당 150,000원, 기타수당 499,570원) (2) 2015. 1. 1. ~ 2015. 12. 31. (가) 근로시간 : 실근로시간 5.5시간(10:00 ~ 11:00, 18:00 ~ 20:00, 03:00 ~ 05:30), 대기시간 11.5시간(09:00 ~ 10:00, 12:30 ~ 15:30, 17:00 ~ 18:00, 20:00 ~ 22:00, 02:00 ~ 03:00, 05:30 ~ 09:00), 휴게시간 7시간(점심 11:00 ~ 12:30, 저녁 15:30 ~ 17:00, 야간 22:00 ~ 02:00) (나) 급여 : 2015. 1. 1.부터 2015. 2. 28.까지는 월 2,148,180원(기본급 1,498,610원, 야식대 30,000원, 경력수당 30,000원, 식대 120,000원, 야간수당 469,570원), 2015. 3. 1.부터 2015. 12. 31.까지는 월 2,178,180원(소방관리자 선임자격수당 30,000원 추가) (3) 2016. 1. 1. ~ 2016. 11. 30. (가) 근로시간 : 실근로시간 5.5시간(10:00 ~ 11:00, 18:00 ~ 20:00, 03:00 ~ 05:30), 대기시간 11.5시간(09:00 ~ 10:00, 12:30 ~ 15:30, 17:00 ~ 18:00, 20:00 ~ 22...