(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2016.05.03 2015가단38272



1. On the basis of the executory exemplification of the payment order issued by the Defendant, Seoul Western District Court 2015 tea 5939, the Seoul Western District Court 2015.


Based on the executory exemplification of the payment order issued by the Seoul Western District Court 2015 tea5939 against B, the Defendant seized corporeal movables as Seoul Western District Court 2015No2821 on October 22, 2015 based on the executory exemplification of the payment order issued by the Seoul Western District Court 2015Hu2821 on the attached list, the Plaintiff purchased corporeal movables on April 21, 2010, and on April 22, 2013, the fact that the Plaintiff purchased Bacon on the attached list on April 22, 2013 can be recognized by comprehensively taking into account the following purport of the entire pleadings.

Therefore, the defendant's compulsory execution against the articles listed in the attached list owned by the plaintiff should be denied, and the plaintiff's claim is justified.