(영문) 광주지방법원 2017.12.07 2017고단2932




A Imprisonment with prison labor for ten months and for six months, respectively.

However, from the date this judgment became final and conclusive, Defendant A.


Punishment of the crime

1. Each crime committed by Defendant A;

A. Special bodily injury (2017 Highest 2932) Defendant A, around 10:00 on June 25, 2017, intended the victim B (57 aged) who was not good in the usual area in front of Gwangju Northern-gu E, and was salpbbbbbbbbbbling on the victim’s right-hand part of each dangerous object (120cm in length, 3 cm in thickness x 4 cm in length).

B. Special assault (2017 Highest 4420) Defendant A, on September 20, 2017, opened the Defendant’s visit to the neighbor G (49 years old) in front of the Seoul Northern-gu, Gwangju, by forcing the Defendant to visit, and is deemed to be bad.

The part of the victim's right bridge is one time, and the part of the victim's right bridge is one time, and as soon as possible, the victim's etc. is asked at one time, and the victim commits assault by carrying dangerous things.

2. Defendant B’s special bodily injury crime (2017 highest 4420) committed Defendant B’s special injury (2017 highest 4420) with the victim A (70 cm) at the same time and place as the victim A (70 cm) in the same manner as the victim A (70 cm), and with the victim’s face, the plastic pipe (100cm in total length, 100cm in diameter, 10cm in diameter) was placed in the victim’s face, and the victim’s unclaimed face was over the number of days

Summary of Evidence

【Criminal facts 1-A】

1. The defendant A's partial statement

1. A protocol concerning the examination of suspect of the defendant A;

1. Legal statement of the witness B;

1. A photograph of the damaged part [the crime No. 1-B];

1. The defendant A's partial statement

1. A protocol concerning the examination of suspect of the defendant A;

1. Legal statement of witness G;

1. Photographs (Article 2 of the Criminal Act);

1. Defendant B’s legal statement

1. A protocol concerning the examination of suspect of the defendant A;

1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes to photographs of damaged parts;

1. Relevant legal provisions and Defendant A’s choice of punishment regarding criminal facts: Articles 258-2(1) and 257(1) of the Criminal Act (the point of injury) and Articles 261 and 260(1) of the Criminal Act (the point of assault and the choice of imprisonment).