(영문) 부산지방법원 2018.01.12 2016고단2769



1. The defendant A and B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for eight months and by imprisonment with prison labor for nine months.



Punishment of the crime


A purchased ten insurance products from January 29, 199 to six insurance companies (insurance premiums paid each month), Defendant B purchased 20 insurance products of 13 insurance companies from July 9, 199 to 199 (insurance premiums paid each month), Defendant C purchased 10 insurance products from September 7, 2006 to 6 insurance companies (insurance premiums paid each month) and Defendant C applied for the acquisition of the insurance proceeds by fraud, in spite of the need for hospital treatment, after concentrating the insurance products to cover six insurance contracts from July 14, 2004 to six insurance companies (insurance premiums paid each month, KRW 304,930), and Defendant D applied for hospital treatment, in spite of the need for hospital treatment. < Amended by Act No. 759, Sep. 7, 2006>

1. Defendant A’s insurance fraud crime committed by Defendant A was hospitalized in the “K Hospital” located in the Busan Shipping Daegu District Court for 14 days from February 3, 2009 to February 16, 2009.

However, the facts are that Defendant A did not have symptoms, so it was sufficient to provide outpatient treatment only, and Defendant A did not receive proper hospitalized treatment, such as from time to time during the duration of hospitalization and viewing personal duties.

Nevertheless, around February 17, 2009, Defendant A submitted relevant documents, such as a written confirmation of release from entry, etc., as if he/she had been actually hospitalized in the Red Culture Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Retitual Life”), and filed an application for insurance money, such as daily allowances for hospitalization, and received KRW 580,000 insurance money on February 18, 2009 from the interested country life.


A As between around that time and November 6, 2015, [Attachment 1] B, the victim interesting country life, K non-life insurance company (hereinafter “KB damage”), A non-life insurance company (hereinafter “AI damage”), Korea Commercial Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Korea Commercial Life”) and the East Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Korea Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.”), and the East Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Dong Fire”).