(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2016.08.08 2016고단3562



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for four months.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Records] On April 6, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment for two years and six months with prison labor due to the crime of gambling securities at the Seoul Central District Court, and is still pending in the appellate trial.

[2] On February 26, 2016, around 14:50, the Defendant was present at the court of Seoul Central District Court 408, the Seocho-gu Seoul Central District Court, the Seocho-gu Seoul Central District Court 157, as a witness of the case, such as the exercise of a security right, and made an oath, and gave testimony following the Defendant’s testimony, the Defendant is not required to have a call on the part of the Defendant A’s cruise vehicle.

I do not memory the question "....."

Defendant A at the time of the exchange of gift certificates, answer to “,” and “at the time of the exchange of gift certificates, Defendant A was in anywhere.

In relation to the question "I know that "I know that I would know that I would like to know that I would like to know that I would like to know."

2) Whether it is appropriate to move together with Defendant A and Defendant G in the event of the fraud of the first maternity gift certificates by the prosecutor related to the crime against the first mother.

“I memory that I will see that I will see the question “I”.

3) The prosecutor’s “Is the witness and G at any time” in relation to the crime against the project manager.

The answer to the question of “,” is called “for example,” and also, as the case is by a prosecutor, whether there is no entry between the two as Defendant A.

In response to the question “,” the answer was called “for example.”

However, at the time of committing a crime against A, the Defendant had committed a crime by moving together with A at the time of committing a crime against A, one-time, and one-way.

Accordingly, the defendant made a false statement contrary to his memory and raised perjury.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Each investigation report;

1. Application of the statutes to a copy of judgment or a copy of public trial protocol;

1. Relevant Article of the Criminal Act, Article 152(1) of the Criminal Act, the choice of punishment for the crime, and the choice of imprisonment.