(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.09.20 2019고합538



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The facts charged were partly revised according to facts obtained through the examination of evidence to the extent that it does not materially disadvantage the defendant's defense right.

Despite the fact that the Defendant is not a person handling narcotics, the Defendant treated marijuana as follows:

1. B and co-offenders;

A. On August 25, 2016, the Defendant agreed with B to purchase marijuana, and received half of the purchase price of marijuana from B. On the same day, around 10:05 of the same day, the Defendant transferred bitcos equivalent to 350,000 won to a seller of narcotics, etc. in the name-free on the Internet deep web “C” hemp sales site using Adidi’s “D,” and purchased approximately 3 g of marijuana, which the seller concealed on the front side of the commercial building in Seocho-gu Seoul, Seocho-gu, Seoul, at around 19:00 on the following day. In collusion with B, the Defendant transferred bitcos equivalent to 2,90,000 won from that time to October 15, 2016, and purchased approximately 19gg, as indicated in the list of crimes as follows.

around 19:00 on August 25, 2016, the date and time of the crime Nos. 1, 19:00 on August 25, 2016, the method of purchasing marijuana from the seller of narcotics, etc., using the Internet deep web “D” (hereinafter “C”)’s deep web sales site under the Internet’s deep web sales site, and purchasing approximately 350,000 bitcos under the Seoul Seocho-gu’s trade name non-commercial building by receiving approximately 3 g of marijuana concealed by the seller on the next side of the building. On September 21, 2016, around 200, around 3:00, the seller of narcotics, etc., under the name of the Seocho-gu Seoul Seocho-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government’s deep web sales site, and then placing the seller of narcotics, etc., at least 240,000 bitcos under the name of the seller on the non-commercial premises in the Seocho-gu 2nd 3-dong.