(영문) 부산지방법원동부지원 2015.09.18 2015가단203549



1. The defendant shall not exceed KRW 71,810,688 within the scope of the property inherited from the deceased B, and KRW 41,613,250 among them.


1. Claims against the Defendant’s deceased deceased on December 19, 2009, and C, D, who is his wife, succeeded to all the property B following the renunciation of inheritance by C and D. The Defendant also filed a petition for adjudication on the refusal of inheritance by inheritance on February 18, 2010, Busan Family Court Decision 2010Hu5444, and obtained an adjudication on the refusal of inheritance by inheritance on May 19, 2010, and thus, the Defendant is obligated to pay the money stated in the purport of claims within the scope of the property inherited from B. 2. Article 208(3)2(self-concept) of the Civil Procedure Act applicable to the applicable provisions of the Civil Procedure Act.