(영문) 광주지방법원 2012.11.22 2012고단5062




A, B, and C shall be punished by imprisonment for a year and six months, and by a fine of KRW 1,00,000, respectively.


D above.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A and Defendant B’s joint criminal conduct (the name of Defendant C and D is written only in the name of the Defendants), around 00:15, on June 5, 2012, Defendant B was faced with the victim D(20 years of age) and the shouldered in the Seo-gu Seoul-gu Fhop.

Accordingly, Defendant A got 500c c c beerc World Cup, which is a dangerous thing on his table, towards the victim C(20 years of age). Defendant A selbowed the face of the victim C with his arms and blue blue, and breadd the blap of the victim C by hand.


B, as a result, the victims were collected from Aluminium chairs who is a dangerous object at the same time, and the victims were faced with the body of the victim D by drinking, and the victim C's face was taken over by drinking.

As a result, the Defendants carried dangerous objects and carried them for about three weeks to the victim C, and set up a brupt in the face-to-face string, which requires treatment to the victim D for about two weeks.

2. Defendant C and Defendant D’s joint criminal conduct (only the name of Defendant A and B) together with G, at the time and place specified in paragraph (1), and as seen above, Defendant C and Defendant C were able to collect the victim B (the age of 23) and flusium flusium flusium of the victim A (the age of 23) by gathering the victim’s flusium, which is a dangerous object at the same place, and met the victim’s face by drinking, and continued to flusium B’s body and head.


D) The victim's body, which goes beyond the floor, was taken several times, and the victim's face was taken by drinking.

G was able to get the head of the victim A by gathering a person with Aluminium who is a dangerous thing in the place.

As a result, the Defendants jointly with G, and Defendant C, carrying dangerous articles, inflicted an injury on the victim A, such as the closure of an alleys, which requires approximately six weeks of treatment, and the “D” written indictment of the victim B appears to be a clerical error.
