(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2015.11.09 2015고단2842



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

Seized heading 1, 7, 16, 17, and 18 shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, as well as E, F, and bank cash withdrawal machine, a foreigner of his nationality, also installed a credit card reproduction machine (one name “Skimer”) and CCTV, discovered credit card information and password, forged a credit card, and then decided to withdraw cash by using it. The Defendant, when installing and collecting a credit card reproduction machine, was in charge of the role in viewing the network, and of withdrawing cash using a forged credit card. E and F conspired to take charge of forging the installation and collection of the credit card reproduction machine and the credit card.

1. In collusion with E and F on May 23, 2015, the Defendant: (a) in collusion with the Defendant for forgery and use of five credit cards of the new bank; (b) around 07:14, May 23, 2015, at the first floor of the 527 Western Building in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Seomun-gu, Seoul, the first floor of the 527 Hadern Building, E and F, around 07:56, May 30, 2015; (c) around 08:29, Jun. 6, 2015; and (d) at the time of installation of a card reproduction and CCTV in the new bank guidance system at the ATM system at the new bank guidance point at issue, the Defendant installed with E and the CCTV at the time of installation of the card reproduction and CCTV with the EF; and (d) the Defendant recovered the CCTV again with the EF card at the same time as the EM network.

The Defendant, in collusion with E and F, forged five credit cards in the name of five, including G, including G, and knew with its passwords at an indeterminate time and place by using the credit card information identified in the foregoing manner as above, and then withdrawn KRW 734,339 in cash owned by other victims using one credit card in the name of other bank ATM machinery of 13:23 June 7, 2015, using a forged credit card in the name of other bank ATM machinery of 12 times in total, as shown in attached Form 1, and withdrawing KRW 7,777,313 in total.