(영문) 춘천지방법원 영월지원 2013.08.20 2013고단206




A A A shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for a year and six months, and Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for a period of eight months.

, however, the defendant from the date of this judgment.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A is a person who is engaged in driving of C Poter cargo vehicles.

On November 17, 2012, the Defendant driven the above cargo vehicle on the 18:15th day of November, 2012, and proceeded with the national highway No. 42 in the vicinity of the 1st unit of Gangwon-gun at the speed of 50 km from the breadth to the breadth of the breadth.

At the time, the day was low, and there was a dump truck parked at the right edge of the front side, and therefore, the Dump truck was parked at the right edge of the front side, so the driver had a duty of care to look at the front side and the left side well, and to accurately manipulate the steering direction and the brake system to prevent the accident in advance.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected to drive the dump truck while hearing the sound from the front door of the dump, and did not look at the dump truck properly, and received the left-hand part of the dump truck as the front part of the above dump truck as a part of the right-hand side of the dump truck.

Ultimately, the Defendant caused the death of the victim E (e.g., 54 years of age) who was on the top of the steering of the said cargo vehicle due to the foregoing occupational negligence in the G Hospital emergency room located in Gangseo-si F, which was under the aftermathic treatment at around 19:12 on the same day.

2. Defendant B is a person engaging in driving D dump trucks.

Around 15:00 on November 17, 2012, the Defendant driven a dump truck and proceeded along the roads specified in paragraph (1) with two lanes from the direction to the direction of the direction, and stopped due to the breakdown in the power transmission device of the said dump truck, and parked the dump truck at the edge of the said two-lane.

At all times, the defendant, who was inevitably parked the above dump truck due to the breakdown during the night of a sudden hacker, a sudden slope without street lights, is not installed, is another vehicle driving the above road.