(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.01.26 2016구합66989



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Details of the disposition;

A. The Plaintiff is a company that manufactures, sells, exports, or imports non-pharmaceutical drugs.

나. 피고는 2016. 8. 23. 원고에 대하여, 화장품의 제조 등에 사용할 수 없는 원료인 스테로이드(트리암시놀론아세토니드, 베타메타손 등) 성분이 함유된 중국산 ‘실크단백’을 원료로 사용하여 화장품 '내츄럴&퓨어에센스', '스킨토너', '모이스춰라이징 스킨토너', '리페어크림', '어드벤스드 리제너레이팅 리페어크림', '비비크림', '마사지크림', '리프트앤링클스 아이크림' 등 8개 품목(이하 이를 통틀어 '이 사건 화장품'이라 한다)을 제조판매하였다는 처분사유로, 화장품법 제24조 제1항, 제15조 제5호, 제8조 제1항 및 같은 법 시행규칙 제29조 제1항, 별표 7 중 2의 거목 3)에 따라 제조업무정지 6개월(2016. 9. 2. ~ 2017. 3. 1.)을 명하였다(이하 '이 사건 처분’이라 한다

(i) [In the absence of a dispute over the grounds for recognition, entry of Gap evidence No. 1, and the purport of the whole pleadings.

2. Whether the instant disposition is lawful

A. The Plaintiff’s assertion of this case is subject to revocation, inasmuch as the Plaintiff’s disposition erred by applying the underlying laws and regulations as follows and deviates from and abused discretionary power.

1) Article 15 Subparag. 5 of the Cosmetics Act, which is the basis provision for the instant disposition, provides that “for the purpose of sale” as an excessive subjective constituent element. However, the Plaintiff has the nature of an objective crime, which requires ABB Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “AB”).

) The awareness and intent of the fact that the original trademark labelling method (the instant cosmetics were manufactured in accordance with the OEM’s consignment manufacturing and supply contract) with the Defendant was in a state where it was entirely not aware of whether or not the stroke ingredients were contained in the stroke margin, which is the principal’s purchase and supply of the instant cosmetics to the Plaintiff, and thus, it was in a state of not entirely aware of whether or not the stroke ingredients were contained in the stroke margin, which is the same as the principal’s use.