(영문) 수원지방법원여주지원 2016.08.09 2014가단33859



1. The plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. On July 19, 201, the Plaintiffs, D, and E concluded a sales contract with the Plaintiff, D, and E to purchase KRW 356,00,00 of the attached Form 1 drawings of the Plaintiff, D, and E’s forest J. 240298, in the Defendant’s brokerage of the seller, KRW 4707 square meters (hereinafter “first sales contract of this case”) and to purchase KRW 350,000 of the attached Form 1 drawings of the Plaintiff, D, and E, in order to purchase KRW 370,00,00. The agreement was reached between the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff, and the Plaintiff (hereinafter “Plaintiff sales contract of this case”).

나. 원고들은 2011. 11. 초순경 D, E과 사이에, 이 사건 제1합의의 내용을 변경하여, 위 J 임야 240298㎡ 중 별지 도면2 표시 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 1의 각 점을 순차로 연결한 선내 ㈎ 부분 3305㎡[이하 ‘이 사건 ㈎ 토지’라 한다]를 원고들 공유로, 같은 도면 표시 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2의 각 점을 순차로 연결한 선내 ㈏ 부분 1402㎡[이하 ‘이 사건 ㈏ 토지’라 한다]를 D와 E의 공유로 구분소유하되, 같은 도면 표시 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1의 각 점을 순차로 연결한 선내 4707㎡ 중 원고 A 앞으로 1652/4707 지분, 원고 B 앞으로 1653/4707 지분, D, E 앞으로 각 701/4707 지분에 관하여 각 지분이전등기를 마치기로 변경 합의(이하 ‘이 사건 제2합의’라 한다)를 하였다.

C. On December 22, 201, 201, the area of 4707 square meters inside the ship as indicated in the preceding paragraph was divided into 4707 square meters of Gyeonggi-do K-gun, Gyeonggi-do (hereinafter “instant land before the instant partition”).

Of the land before the partition of this case, each share transfer registration caused by the partition of co-owned property on December 28, 201, as to the share of 1652/4707 shares in Plaintiff A, 1653/4707 shares in Plaintiff B, and shares of 1653/4707 shares in Plaintiff B, D, and E, respectively. < Amended by Act No. 11373, Jan. 3, 2012>