(영문) 대구지방법원 2020.04.22 2020고단290



[Defendant A] The defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a year and six months.

18,024,820 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.



Punishment of the crime


A is an unauthorized waste disposal business entity, and Defendant B is a person who leases and manages the land to be dumped in the name of Defendant C under the direction of Defendant C, and delivers the content of Defendant C’s instructions to Defendant C. Defendant C provided the name to lease the land to be dumped in waste under the direction of Defendant A through Defendant B, Defendant C was a person who managed the said land while providing the name to lease the land to be dumped in waste under the direction of Defendant A, Defendant D was a person who ships waste transport vehicles, and the Defendants did not hold permission to collect, transport, and dispose of the pest at the place of business.

1. Joint performance by Defendant A, B, and C: Unauthorized waste disposal business and waste dumping without permission;

A. A person who intends to engage in a waste treatment business in a factory located in Gyeonggi-si E shall obtain permission from the Minister of Environment or a Mayor/Do Governor, and shall not engage in a waste treatment business without obtaining permission; and no person shall dispose of wastes in any place other than a place or facility prepared by the head of a local government, etc. to collect wastes.


A around December 2018, after receiving a proposal from H, which is the president of the State (State), who was known to the general public, to receive and dispose of wastes that were not disposed of in the State) from H, which is a waste disposal business entity, “A”, “A” intended to engage in an unauthorized waste disposal business, and intended to waste disposal business without permission, and color the “F” factory in Yongcheon-si, Incheon, into a place where waste disposal business is located, and ordered Defendant B to find a person to provide the name as a lessee of the land.

Defendant B continuously proposed that Defendant C should rent a factory for the disposal of waste at that time according to the foregoing order, “I will pay the name of the factory KRW 70 million at the high seas when the lease is made.” Defendant C accepted this, and the above Defendants agreed.