(영문) 대구지방법원김천지원 2016.03.09 2015가단8021



1. The Defendant’s KRW 59,670,890 as well as the Plaintiff’s annual rate from March 1, 2014 to November 27, 2015, and the following.


1. Indication of claims: It shall be as shown in attached Form; and

2. Judgment without holding any pleadings (Article 208 (3) 1 of the Civil Procedure Act);

3. The ground for partial dismissal of the Plaintiff claimed for the payment of damages of KRW 59,670,890 for damages caused by tort at the rate prescribed by the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Promotion, etc. of Legal Proceedings even for the period from March 1, 2014 to the delivery date of a duplicate of the complaint of this case. However, the legal interest rate in civil law shall apply, not the legal interest rate prescribed by the aforesaid Special Cases Concerning the Settlement of Legal Proceedings, before the duplicate of the complaint of this case is served on the Defendant. Thus, the portion of the Plaintiff’s claim